Saturday, May 26, 2012

Water marble nails

Hey guys! So today I did water marbling, it took me a couple times to not make a total mess! This is also a really cool and unique idea! You'll get many compliments:) okay so here's what you need: toothpicks, nail polish remover, cotton balls, bowl of room temp water, tape and nail polishes of your choice! First I painted my nails all white, but you can paint them whatever color you want. After I painted my nails and let them dry I taped up the skin around my nail so when I put my finger in the nail polish it wont mane a total mess! Then I got the room temp water, now what you do is you put a drop of the nail polish in the water. It should spread out, then you keep putting dots of nail polish inside the circle you just made. You should do this pretty quick or else the nail polish gets stiff. After you put all the colors you want on it take the toothpick and make a design that you want. Now find a place in the nail polish thats your favorite and just stick your finger nail in it, hold it down until you take the toothpick and wipe up all of the nail polish left in the bowl. After you do that you can take your finger out to let it dry. Here's some picks of mine:)

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